Hot Topics in Cybersecurity

First Look: Cryptocurrency & Blockchain in a Public Underground World

Cybersecurity professionals are coming up short in their understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency, according to William Callahan, a retired Special Agent of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, and one of the Keynote speakers at the Southern California Virtual Cybersecurity Summit on March 10-11.

His presentation is titled “Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology in a Public Underground World.”

Callahan, who inspired by watching Miami Vice as a kid growing up in New Jersey, pursued a long career with the Drug Enforcement Agency at various posts across the country, ranging from St. Louis to the D.C. metro and New York. Through his career, he watched the old drug street crime moving out of the dark alleyways and onto the Dark Web. 

SoCal Blog Takeaways


But the Dark Web hasn’t always been a seedy underground of illicit drugs, scams and counterfeiting. Tor, or onion routing, was actually an invention of the United States government in the mid-1990s. The initial intention, according to Callahan, was to ensure safe file-sharing. 

“It’s also useful for people in countries where free speech and the internet is suppressed,” Callahan said. And despite the nefarious people who often find their way onto the dark web, it is still useful for those purposes, he said. 

The principles behind cryptocurrency, namely Bitcoin, are also certainly not all for illegal transactions. In fact, it makes commerce between individuals in different countries much easier now. 

“Cryptocurrency was used to transfer value as a form of payment method — a semi-anonymous way to pay for things, Callahan said. “It allows people to speak in the same currency in two different countries without having to use the banking system. And that can be converted relatively easily into fiat currency.”

One of the breakthrough technologies on which cryptocurrencies are built is called blockchain. This is a major buzzword in the tech industry, particularly among start-ups trying to use this peer-to-peer distributed leger technology (DLT) where data is stored across a variety of servers. 

The transactional transparency offered by blockchain is extremely promising in a variety of areas, Callahan said.

“That’s where the value is. The blockchain is a decentralized — it’s kept by all people on the network. Anybody can become part of that. There, there’s real value for data storage, for smart contracts, supply chain management,” Callahan said. “Once something is added to the blockchain, you can’t change it without a 51% majority. We’ll see more and more contracts, real estate transactions on blockchain.”



Rather than exchanging cash for drugs in a park late at night, people are able to access drugs with relative anonymity through sites on the Dark Web, in exchange for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Because of the smaller quantities these drugs are purchased in — usually not more than a pound or two per transaction — these are being sent via normal shipping services like UPS, FedEx and USPS, Callahan said. The transactions are easy, but the product is often the result of counterfeiting.

This has resulted in many very dangerous situations for those who end up taking the illicit drugs, he said. 

And it’s not just drugs — during the pandemic, items like personal protective equipment, treatment medications for COVID-19 and vaccines have quickly surfaced on the Dark Web. It’s rare that these items are legitimate if found on the Dark Web, he said.

“They’re selling anything that’s in demand that can be counterfeited,” Callahan said. “You’re playing right into people’s emotions.”

These problems are magnified in countries where the medical supply chain is not as reliable and stable as it is in the United States. The basic level of trust in our government keeps Americans protected from falling into a level of need where they’re seeking supplies on the Dark Web. 

But Callahan said he’s always left the communities he’s worked with one critical piece of advice: do not take anything that isn’t prescribed by your doctor and filled by your pharmacist.



The number of people suffering from opioid addiction is overwhelming, and unfortunately, access to drugs on the Dark Web is enabling this national crisis. Easy access to drugs-by-mail is putting synthetic and counterfeit drugs in the hands of young people and addicts, perpetuating a crisis that law enforcement and the medical community have been working to tamp down. 

The crisis is reaching critical mass with the new, easy accessibility to drugs — which are often counterfeit and extremely dangerous — particularly when it comes to drugs like Fentanyl and other narcotic medications. 

“Painkillers have become a major drug of choice on the dark web,” Callahan said. “They’re being bought and paid for on the dark web … It’s really changed the way drugs are bought and delivered.”

 And while it’s important to pay attention to the cybersecurity-intensive parts of Callahan’s presentation, he’ll also be sharing information on the current Fentanyl crisis that will be vital for you, your families and loved ones.



Callahan looks forward to bringing his knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency to the Data Connectors Southern California audience, and while attendees will certainly walk away with more information and understanding than when they first tune in, he encourages additional training. Your company might not need it today, but if a breach happens, it’s vital to have a resource on your team who can help make sense of what to do, he said.

“Training on blockchain may be a good investment in time and money. It’s not like a break-in where you can call the police; it will take specialized units to come in,” Callahan said. “There may be something on you or your department to understand. Who has that knowledge?  Do they know how to do a blockchain analysis when one might be needed?”

Callahan has a number of suggestions for trainings, but he is sharing one particular offer thanks to his partnership with the Blockchain Intelligence Group. To receive training as a Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator, first sign up for the SoCal Virtual Cybersecurity Summit and then visit and use discount code SoCal2021BC through March 31, 2021 for 35% off. 

This is an eight-hour online self-paced course which will give you a fuller understanding on cryptocurrency, blockchain and the dark web. 


Be sure to join the Southern California Virtual Cybersecurity Summit to hear more from Callahan, and come prepared with your questions and comments. His keynote will be presented live on Wednesday, March 10 at 12:00 p.m. PT. 

First Look: Cryptocurrency & Blockchain …

Interviews Posted by Jen Greco on Mar 2, 2021

Tips and Tricks: Getting Great Video Quality in Your Next Presentation

In the current climate of virtual overload how do you get your voice to be heard above the others? When discussing a topic as important as cybersecurity, how do ensure that the viewer is listening to what you have to say?

As the leading provider for virtual cybersecurity summits, Data Connectors has surveyed both their attendees and Vendor Partners to compile a list of presentation best practices. This quick summary of Dos and Don’ts for how to put forth the most informative and engaging presentation can be easily implemented to ensure the best audience participation.

This series will highlight some video best practices, so you can slam-dunk your next on-screen appearance.


Preparing Your Set: Video Quality and Location

Most of us are still working from home and may not have the best set up for our home offices. Often we are at the kitchen table, or bedrooms or evening hiding in a closet to find some small solitude of quiet. Obviously this is not ideal when you need to record a presentation or attend a session live. 

Lose the Virtual Background

However, you don’t need a soundstage in order to put together a good presentation. In fact the home office can often bring a more personal approach and make you more relatable to the audience. We have seen overwhelming stats that people prefer to see a real background to a virtual one. Often virtual backgrounds are loud, obvious and more distracting than what is really behind you. So don’t be afraid to flaunt your personal style! Just ensure that you choose a location where your background is not too busy, as that may be distracting, but don’t be afraid of appearing real in your video. (Everyone loves when a furry animal joins the party for a couple minutes, in fact, bring them into the fun.)

Have an Angle

There are a couple other important features to consider when choosing your recording location. Lighting and camera angle are key elements to elevating your video production quality that are too often overlooked. You could have the best message to share but if no one can see your face, or if they are distracted by looking up your nose because your camera is below eye level, it may all be for nothing. 

Don’t get lost in the dark! Situate yourself to ensure that you have lighting, natural if possible, in front of you (behind the computer / camera). This will guarantee that you are well lit and visible to the audience while presenting. If the video image is too dark, audience members often either spend more time trying to correct your image to see you better or lose interest as they cannot make a personal connection with you on screen. 

Get Framed

Make it all about you. Make sure that you frame your profile within the center to the screen with the camera at eye-level. Properly framing yourself on camera ensures that you are the center of attention, eliminating background distractions. It will also allow for a better link with the audience. When presenting live you have the ability to be animated, emphasize points with your hands or with facial expressions. You want to ensure that you are properly centered on-screen in order for the audience to properly see all this interaction virtually. Having a conversation with the camera is like having a one-on-one discussion with each individual audience member, giving you the ability to really connect with them as if they were in front of you.

At home, connectivity Issues affect us all and we can’t always get around it. Especially when your kids are playing Fornite in the next room and your spouse is watching YouTube videos or catching up on the latest Netflix series. We are at the mercy of our personal wi-fi bandwidth now that we are no longer physically connected to our office LAN. That said there is a quick and easy trick to ensuring the best video quality when you are recording your presentation. Record to Computer – not cloud! Not only is this safer for security reasons but the video product and quality is often much better when recorded directly to your local machine. The default setting on most video recording platforms is set to record to the cloud, you want to go into your setting and change this so that it will record locally. 

Tips and Tricks: Getting Great Video Qualit …

Virtual Events Posted by Jen Greco on Feb 26, 2021

Interview: Naomi Buckwalter and the “Dirty Truth” of Breaking into Cybersecurity

Imagine it: you’re a wide-eyed cybersecurity graduate, feeling like you’ve got the world at your feet. You’ve spent hours pouring over books, completing that capstone project, and finally, with degree-in-hand, you’re ready for the “real world” you’ve been working so hard to join.

But you begin to check out job listings for “entry level” positions in your field of choice, and they’re shockingly hard to come by. An “assistant” role that requires three- to four-years of experience? “Does college count?” you’d wonder.

Unpaid internships are an option, but there are student loan bills that are starting to rack up interest. 

After a few months of getting stood-up after the few interviews you get, working outside your chosen field becomes more and more of a possibility.

It’s not hard to picture, because so many of us have been there. And while it’s often lamented anecdotally, Cybersecurity Expert Naomi Buckwalter put some actual data behind it. It’s now empirically true: entry-level jobs require years of experience that entry-level candidate have not yet gotten.

After a LinkedIn deep-dive on so-called entry-level cybersecurity jobs, Buckwalter was able to shed light on a growing problem in the industry. By pulling 1,000 job listings from the professional networking site, Buckwalter parsed the descriptions for phrases like “years of experience” and found the dirty truth: there are no “true” entry-level jobs. 

“I crunched some of the numbers, and it was eye-opening to me,” Buckwalter said. “You can not get experience without getting a job.” 

This is frustrating for someone like Buckwalter, who got her start in cybersecurity and rose through the ranks to her current title of Chief Information Security Officer — the top of the field — while still considered to be very young compared to her colleagues. Her start was as a software developer, who found her passion after taking a course in hacking.

“I had finally found my purpose in life; I fell in love with it,” she said. She continued to focus on learning, and took opportunities as they came, with the help of some open-minded employers who wanted her success as much as she did.  “Name it, I’ve done it. I just keep learning.”

Her passion extends to finding opportunities and offering mentorship for newly minted cybersecurity grads and job hopefuls. The solution to the skills gap, Buckwalter says, is in education and thoughtful mentorship.

“Every person is different. I think I would find a mentor to really make it personal, not try to create a course for everyone, but for that person and what they want to do. Then, create a curriculum just for them,” she said. “[Many organizations] are not seeing people for the human that they are, they’re just seeing them as a means to an end. We’re not just workers and automatons — we’re human beings.”

Social media is Buckwalter’s medium-of-choice for getting the message out, for a focus on training to ensure a successful industry… even if that means ruffling a few feathers from time to time. “Let’s just tell the truth … I need people to be cynical and question things,” she said. “I wish more of us would challenge each other as an industry.”

Gaps in the industry are becoming incredibly pervasive — including with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, Buckwalter said.

“We need to find a better way to get people into cybersecurity. We need to get the talent in and then train them,” she said. “I’m trying to scream into the void: train up the people!”

Follow Naomi Buckwalter on LinkedIn to see her insights of the cybersecurity industry first-hand.

Interview: Naomi Buckwalter and the “Dirt …

Interviews Posted by Jen Greco on Feb 17, 2021

Data Protection and Privacy Tops Agenda at Minneapolis and Des Moines Virtual Cyber Summit

MINNEAPOLIS, MN. – FEBRUARY 8, 2021 Data Connectors, representing the largest cybersecurity community in North America, continues its industry-leading series of Virtual Summits, arriving in the Upper Midwest this week.

The 2021 Minneapolis and Des Moines Virtual Cybersecurity Summit will take place on Wednesday, February 10, and is slated to allow the local community of cybersecurity professionals to gain insights and education regarding the latest updates and challenges in the industry, despite the continued effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

Headlining this summit is a long-time expert in the world of data privacy, Jay Cline, U.S. Privacy Leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers. Cline has spent three decades advising executives on the nuances of data privacy, with his specialty focus on privacy risk management. His keynote session is titled, “Navigating a Tripolar Data Privacy World.”

“This year could see record levels of privacy regulation and enforcement worldwide with over half of the world’s population covered by basic privacy rights and data-breach notification for the first time in history,” Cline said. “Companies can get ahead of this wave by building privacy defaults into the digital code of their business for every new change they push into production.”

The Summit will also feature industry expert presenters and virtual exhibits from cybersecurity solution providers, as well as live, topical expert panel discussions fielded by leading subject-matter experts. At the Summit, industry experts will dive into topics around the SolarWinds hack, the future of cybersecurity, and user-centered security, and the key trends on which Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) should most concern themselves in 2021 in panel discussions. 

Data Connectors, which has conducted physical conferences since 1999, rapidly responded to the COVID-19 crisis, moving its full schedule of planned events online. The cybersecurity community has in turn responded to the opportunity: more than twice as many people have signed up for the virtual regional events than had registered to attend the previously scheduled in-person meetings.

The Virtual Summit will also feature a live, interactive panel discussion, with some of the top CISOs and CIOs from organizations throughout the Upper Midwest. This week’s panelists include:

  • Matt Ireland, Chief Information Security Officer – NTT Research
  • Patrick Joyce, VP – Global Information Technology & CISO – Medtronic
  • Tony Taylor, CISO – Land O’Lakes, Inc.
  • William Scandrett, CISO – Allina Health
  • Milinda Rambel Stone, Vice President & CISO – Provation Medical

Attendees will ask questions and interact online with the CISOs, as well as each other and the organizations who will feature their solutions at the event. Featured solutions providers at this summit include Auth0, Ordr, Proofpoint, and many more.

The Summit will take place on Wednesday, February 10 at 8:00 a.m. CT. Registration is free for qualified professionals, who can also obtain Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for participation. 

Data Connectors Virtual Summits continue to focus on the local and regional requirements for cities and regions across North America, with upcoming Summits taking place for Ohio, Boston, and Southern California, New York City, Texas and more.

More information can be found at

About Data Connectors
Since 1999, Data Connectors ( has facilitated collaboration between senior cybersecurity professionals, government/law enforcement agencies, industry luminaries, and solution providers. Today, the community comprises over 650,000 members and 250 active vendor partners across North America. Members enjoy informative education, networking and support via our award-winning Virtual Summits, live conferences, Web Briefings, and regular communications.

Data Protection and Privacy Tops Agenda at …

Press Releases Posted by Jen Greco on Feb 8, 2021

Canada's Top Cyber Cops Help Businesses Navigate SolarWinds Hack

RCMP, Toronto Police C3 Look Toward 2021 Cybersecurity Trends, Alongside Expert Panels Covering AI, Defense-In-Depth, and the Current Threat Landscape 


TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA – JANUARY 18, 2021 Data Connectors, representing the largest cybersecurity community in North America, continues its industry-leading series of Virtual Summits, as the first major cybersecurity event in Canada for 2021.

The 2021 Canada-East Virtual Cybersecurity Summit will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, January 20-21, and is slated to allow the local community of cybersecurity professionals to gain insights and education regarding the latest updates and challenges in the industry, despite the continued effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

Headlining this two-day summit are three keynotes, from the heart of the nation’s cybersecurity law enforcement operation. Detective Constable Kenrick Bagnall of the Toronto Police Service’s Coordinated Cyber Centre, Director General Chris Lynam of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s National Cyber Crime Coordination (C3) Unit, and guest keynote Victoria Granova , President of the (ISC)² Toronto Chapter Board.

“It’s already a particularly interesting year, especially when you look at the SolarWinds supply chain compromise that’s having an impact on organizations around the world, but particularly in North America,” Bagnall said. “Our goal is to provide the support that our local community will need in order to stay secure and thrive in the given environment.”

The Summit will also feature industry expert presenters and virtual exhibits from cybersecurity solution providers, as well as live, topical expert panel discussions fielded by leading subject-matter experts. At the Summit, industry experts will dive into topics around identity and access management amid the rush to work from home in 2020, and the key trends on which Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) should most concern themselves in 2021 in panel discussions. 

Data Connectors, which has conducted physical conferences since 1999, rapidly responded to the COVID-19 crisis, moving its full schedule of planned events online. The cybersecurity community has in turn responded to the opportunity: more than twice as many people have signed up for the virtual regional events than had registered to attend the previously scheduled in-person meetings.

The Virtual Summit will also feature a live, interactive panel discussion, with some of the top CISOs and CIOs from organizations throughout the provinces of Eastern Canada. This week’s panelists include:

  • Andrew Vezina – Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for Equitable Bank
  • Tony English – VP IT Risk, Butterfield Group
  • Michael Ball – Chairman Of The Board for the International Association of Virtual CISOs
  • Robert L. Godbout -CDO/CIO of Canada School of Public Service
  • Rachel Guinto – AVP of Global Information Security Risk Management, Manulife

Attendees will ask questions and interact online with the CISOs, as well as each other and the organizations who will feature their solutions at the event. Featured solutions providers at this summit include Auth0, Attivo Networks, Ordr, Proofpoint, and many more.

The Summit will take place over two days, on Wednesday and Thursday, January 20-21, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. ET. Registration is free for qualified professionals, who can also obtain Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for participation. 

Data Connectors Virtual Summits continue to focus on the local and regional requirements for cities and regions across North America, with upcoming Summits taking place for Detroit and Indianapolis, Minneapolis and Des Moines, Ohio, Boston, and Southern California, and more.

More information can be found at

Canada’s Top Cyber Cops Help Business …

Press Releases Posted by Jen Greco on Jan 18, 2021

SolarWinds Hack, Ransomware, Regulations Figure Prominently as Virtual Cybersecurity Summits Resume in 2021

Department of Homeland Security, Industry Experts Comment on 2021 Trends, Directions, Continued Revelations on Government and Private Network Breaches Stemming from Russian Cyberattack

DENVER, CO. – JANUARY 6, 2021 Data Connectors, representing the largest cybersecurity community in North America, continues its industry-leading series of Virtual Summits, with over 15 past annual gatherings in the Salt Lake City and Denver areas.

The 2021 Salt Lake City and Denver Virtual Cybersecurity Summit will take place on Wednesday, January 13, and is slated to allow the local community of cybersecurity professionals to gain insights and education regarding the latest updates and challenges in the industry, despite the continued effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

Headlining this summit is Region VIII Cybersecurity Advisor David Sonheim from the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). He will provide an overview of the active exploitation of the SolarWinds Orion software and how those events resulted in the establishment of a Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG) as a Government response. As well, he will discuss its extensive and lasting impact on both private industry and government agencies.

Sonheim, a Colorado native, will deliver his remarks, “Overview of the SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise,” during the Summit’s main keynote on Wednesday.

“The key now is to build on our public and private partnerships by sharing information to assist the community in understanding their risk exposure while taking steps to identify and mitigate any further compromise,” Sonheim said. “For the keynote we’re going to step back and take a look at previous supply chain compromises, and review the timeline of the response efforts leading to the activation of the UCG as part of the National Cyber Incident Response Plan. By understanding the risk factors that drove these chain of events we can better work together across industry and Government to find a collaborative path forward as we respond to future events. So much of our nation’s critical infrastructure is in the hands of private industry partners which is why a collective approach is vital to its protection. CISA stands ready to help and provide advice to organizations, in partnership with numerous government agencies,” he added.

The Summit will also feature industry expert presenters and virtual exhibits from cybersecurity solution providers, as well as live, topical expert panel discussions fielded by leading subject-matter experts. At the Summit, industry experts will dive into topics around identity and access management amid the rush to work from home in 2020, and the key trends on which Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) should most concern themselves in 2021 in panel discussions. 

Data Connectors, which has conducted physical conferences since 1999, rapidly responded to the COVID-19 crisis, moving its full schedule of planned events online. The cybersecurity community has in turn responded to the opportunity: more than twice as many people have signed up for the virtual regional events than had registered to attend the previously scheduled in-person meetings.

The Virtual Summit will also feature a live, interactive panel discussion, with some of the top CISOs and CIOs from organizations throughout the Rocky Mountain region. This week’s panelists include:

  • Dan Anderson, CISO and Privacy Officer, Lifescan
  • Eric Sorenson, Chief Information Security Officer, doTERRA
  • Steve Winterfeld, Advisory CISO, Akamai Technologies
  • Dr. Ken Knapton, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Merrick Bank
  • Niel Nickolaisen, Chief Information Officer, OC Tanner
  • Navpreet Jatana, Deputy CISO, Zions Bancorporation
  • Nathaniel “Peter” Walton, Chief Information Officer / Director of Communications, 76th Operational Response Command (OR)

Attendees will ask questions and interact online with the CISOs, as well as each other and the organizations who will feature their solutions at the event. Featured solutions providers at this summit include Attivo Networks, Cloudflare, Avanan, Capsule 8 and more.

The Summit will take place on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. MT. Registration is free for qualified professionals, who can also obtain Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits for participation. 

Data Connectors Virtual Summits continue to focus on the local and regional requirements for cities and regions across North America, with upcoming Summits taking place for Eastern Canada, Detroit and Indianapolis, Minneapolis and Des Moines, Ohio, Boston, and more.

More information can be found at

About Data Connectors

Since 1999, Data Connectors ( has facilitated the collaboration between cybersecurity professionals and solution providers. Today, the community comprises over 650,000 members and 250 active vendor partners. Members enjoy informative education from industry luminaries, innovative solution providers and government agencies such as the FBI, InfraGard, US Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security. Data Connectors brings live conferences to cities across North America each year, and also provides interactions with the community via Virtual Summits, Web Briefings, and regular communications.

SolarWinds Hack, Ransomware, Regulations Fi …

Industry News Posted by Jen Greco on Jan 6, 2021

Data Connectors Partners Join Multi-Sector Ransomware Task Force

Several members of the Data Connectors community, including companies like Security Scorecard, Rapid7 and Cybereason, are teaming up with industry leaders across government, academia, non-profit organizations and other private-sector organizations to form a Ransomware Task Force.

This group was organized by the Institute for Security and Technology (IST), who plans to convene the task force and begin work in January 2021. At that point, the organization will launch a website highlighting the leadership roles and complete list of members.

IST logo

IST convened this group with the understanding that one organization or industry can’t face the ever-growing threat of ransomware attacks happening throughout the world. Such a task requires collaboration between public and private sectors, plus legal and academic scholars, insurance professionals and international organizations. 

“Ransomware incidents have been growing unchecked, and this economically destructive cybercrime has increasingly led to dangerous, physical consequences. Hospitals, school districts, city governments, and others have found their networks held hostage by malicious actors seeking payouts,” IST wrote in its blog, which announced the task force. “This crime transcends sectors and requires bringing all affected stakeholders to the table to synthesize a clear framework of actionable solutions, which is why IST and our coalition of partners are launching this Task Force for a two-to-three month sprint.”

The Institute cited its list of founding members to include the following:

Aspen Digital
The Cyber Threat Alliance
The CyberPeace Institute
The Cybersecurity Coalition
The Global Cyber Alliance
Shadowserver Foundation
Stratigos Security
Team Cymru
Third Way
UT Austin Strauss Center

Concerns surrounding ransomware are nothing new, but the threat has grown in the last year. The incidence and prevalence of ransomware attacks prompted the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to publish a new set of guidelines in September 2020. 

You can meet with any of our ransomware subject matter experts during one of the 2021 virtual summits. Click on the button below to join us for an upcoming summit.

Data Connectors Partners Join Multi-Sector …

Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Posted by Jen Greco on Jan 1, 2021

Hackers Want Your Stimulus Check. Here's How They'll Try to Get It.

Regardless of your political take on those $600 stimulus checks (that may already be in some people’s accounts, per Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin), there’s one thing everyone can agree on: hackers will stop at nothing to get their hands on that cash.

Money hungry thief in black clothes and tolls on his hand.

Fraud-finding firm Bolster issued a report back in spring that found nearly 61,000 fake banking websites popped up following the promise of stimulus checks. Pair that with the 145,000 newly registered domains carrying some version of the phrase “stimulus check,” and you have an extremely unfortunate number of people getting drained of a much-needed lifeline. 

Check Point Software Technologies, a vital member of the Data Connectors community, also did some research on the topic. They published some examples of the phishing scams that were tricking unsuspecting people our of their stimulus and relief checks, and to grab their bank account information via phishing.


cvid relief fake pic

The research team with Check Point highlighted in their April 20th blog post on the topic:

These scam websites use the news of the coronavirus (Covid-19) financial incentives, and fears about Coronavirus to try and trick people into using the websites or clicking on links.  Users that visit these malicious domains instead of the official Government websites risk having their personal information stolen and exposed, or payment theft and fraud.

They found that there were 3.5 times more domains registered after Congress announced the first stimulus. So, how can you keep yourself safe from these scams?

One important thing to note is that the Treasury Department has made it clear that any communication about this pay-out will call it an Economic Impact Payment — the term “stimulus” or anything like it would not be used in any official capacity. 

Another tip: the IRS will never (ever, ever, ever) email, call or text you. Your check will be issued via direct deposit, or by the U.S. Post Office. That said, if you do get a random check in the mail with a suspicious amount (as well as instructions to call a number to get the money), don’t fall for it. Per the current bill, the checks include $600 payments for each individual that was claimed on your most recent tax return. Certain income brackets will receive different payments, but it’s very unlikely that these checks will contain cents.

What are some of the craziest scams you’ve heard of regarding the economic relief payments? Let us know in the comments below.

Hackers Want Your Stimulus Check. Here̵ …

Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Posted by Jen Greco on Dec 30, 2020

CCPA and CPRA 2.0: Navigate the California Compliance Alphabet Soup

Finally — 2020 is almost over. But before you breathe that sigh of relief, ask yourself: Am I prepared for the impending changes to privacy compliance laws? Whether you’re a PI-pro, or wishing we were talking pie instead — stick around. Our team has a huge pile of resources for you to ring in the New Year with a stress-free compliance plan.

Let’s take a quick dive into the world of the complex world of California consumer protection laws.

Basics, Please. What are these acronyms?

CCPA is the California Consumer Privacy Act. CPRA is the California Privacy Rights Act.

Good start. What is CCPA?
CPRA was adopted in 2018, and chances are, you’re already compliant within your organization (particularly if you do a lot of business in California). But for the uninitiated, and per the Golden State’s Department of Justice, CCPA includes:

Fair enough. So what’s the deal with CPRA?
The citizens of California voted for CPRA via a ballot measure on Nov. 3, 2020. It takes CCPA and, basically, bolsters it quite a bit. For you, this means taking a look at your current compliance in terms of protecting your clients’ privacy. CPRA is way more specific. 



Spirion_Briefing_CISO Banner with titleDoes CPRA replace CCPA?
Nope. It serves more to augment the initial law, rather than replace it. What’s the best way to break down the differences? Attend our upcoming Web Briefing — here’s a sneak preview of this session. Hear a conversation between Data Connectors Chief Strategy Officer Michael Hiskey and Spirion’s Scott Giordano from the Atlanta Virtual Cybersecurity Summit in the video below:


There are 49 other states aside from California, and I’m in one of them. Does this apply to me?

You have to meet one of three standards to fall under the law. 

  1. Your business pulls at least half of your annual revenue from sharing or selling the personal information of California customers.
  2. Your business has a gross revenue greater than $25 million
  3. Your business buys/sells/shares the personal information of greater than 100,000 California customers or households. 

Remember — all you need is ONE of those three. That makes this legislation fairly far-reaching, much like many of the state’s consumer protection laws. 

For instance, anyone who has ever manufactured and sold a product to anyone in the U.S. knows that California laws strong-arm the entire industry into posting CA Prop. 65 warnings on, well, basically everything (we’re talking aloe vera, parking garages, and coffee). That means that even if you roast your coffee beans in Oregon, but sell it over state lines, you need to carry a Prop. 65 warning on your packaging. 

So, if you meet the criteria, welcome to the wild West Coast. You’re expected to comply with CPRA as well as its predecessor, CCPA. And, if your goal is customer happiness and good business practice, then it makes sense to adhere to these guidelines — even if you have a very small number of customers or clients from California.

The challenge is in preparing your business for CPRA compliance — and, in a hurry. The measure that passed in November is going into law on January 1, 2021. 


This is bigger than me. How do I learn more?
Fortunately, you don’t need a degree from a prestigious California law school to navigate these laws, because Spirion’s Scott Giordano already did that for you. Hop onto our Web Briefing on Dec. 17th at 2PM ET, and hear from Scott and a full panel of CISOs on how to help your business handle these changes and protect your customers’ data.

CCPA and CPRA 2.0: Navigate the California …

Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Posted by Jen Greco on Dec 8, 2020

Interview: EJ Hilbert on the Post-Pandemic Threat Landscape

Since COVID19 took over the national conversation in March, the world has changed in unprecedented ways. But what does life look like after the pandemic is behind us? What are our current and future threats? We talked to Cybersecurity expert EJ Hilbert and got his thoughts on the future of our country, as well as our industry.

For Hilbert, who has been a staple on the Data Connectors’ virtual summit circuit, the threats that exist stem from our lack of a “common enemy” — combined with a general lack of trust in the data presented by media and the government.

“Common enemies allow governments to join together and point in one direction while hiding the things they are doing that might equal criticism and impact their livelihood,” Hilbert said.

You might be saying to yourself, “What about the pandemic? What about global warming?” It’s not fair to describe those as a common enemy — they’re intangibles. We can’t put COVID-19 on trial, we can’t attribute any human qualities to global warming. It’s possible that our most recent global common enemy was Al Qaeda — collectively hated by the United States, Russia, China, and all their respective enemies. 

What happens when we don’t have a common enemy? Per Hilbert, it forces our social consciousness to look inward and look at ourselves. This brings forward the bevy of social justice issues — whether real or perceived — that have been cropping up across the country, he said. 

This civil unrest has likely been goaded by outside forces. His example is that of Russian and Chinese actors running the largest sets of bots and fake accounts that are searching and publicizing social issues in the United States — essentially forcing the national government to focus on the domestic crisis and is thus unable to focus externally.

“This is all done through data manipulation. Parties collect data on people, communities, et cetera, and profile them and pander their manipulation of data to those groups to sway opinions,” he said. “They do this by appearing as legit media outlets or government agencies to make people believe them. Mainstream media picks it up with limited background, and now it must be true.”

And unfortunately, the media retractions are often buried or lost in the news cycle. This leaves a few paths for the news consumer — accept the media’s narrative, or lose trust and turn to seek like-minded people and develop a cult mentality.

“This is the threat against the US. We can’t trust because everything is being manipulated.  We have nowhere to turn for the truth because the news is now about grabbing eyeballs via click bait headlines rather than reporting facts,” Hilbert said. 

He likened the follow up of the recent shooting of Jacob Blake. While the police were called for a domestic violence incident, along with a perpetrator trying to steal a car with children inside, there was a group looking to sow discontent in the United States by leaving out the crime — simply publishing “Police Shoot Black Man in the Back” — intentionally leaving out context. 

“If you can control beliefs, you can get people to fight each other and that can all be done through data, not guns or bombs,” Hilbert said. “It is a cyber-enabled attack, meaning it is a real world attack that can be expanded via the Internet.”

This isn’t a crazy conspiracy or anything like that, either — the idea of Psy-Ops has been used in limited capacity, like Radio-Free Europe (and mentioned in a previous post in this very blog). 

“Data manipulation based attacks have been red-teamed by multiple groups in multiple nations,” Hilbert said. “If you use it on an adversary there is nothing stopping them from using it on you.  It’s almost a mutually assured destruction type scenario. The US is using it on its foes and they are using it on us in return.”

Want to hear more from EJ? Check out his brand new podcast, “My Junk,” and come hear him give our Day 1 Keynote at the Data Connectors SoCal Virtual Cybersecurity Summit on Oct. 14.


Interview: EJ Hilbert on the Post-Pandemic …

Hot Topics in Cybersecurity Posted by Jen Greco on Sep 30, 2020