What to Expect at Our Virtual Summits
Attendee Guide
The Data Connectors team is here to help you prepare for this exciting day.
Email confirmation
Once your registration is received, our team will confirm that you have entered all the important details to confirm your registration. We ensure that you’ve used your real first and last name, an accurate email address and phone number, as well as an existing company and relevant job title.
If you feel that you’ve left out any of these important details, please contact attendance@dataconnectors.net to verify that you’ve input all the right information.
Accessing the platform
The event opens to attendees two days before the start date. While you won’t be able to access any of the materials or event information until the Summit opens
(8 AM local time), you can create your profile and connect your LinkedIn information to your account.
You’ll receive an email from our Summit platform, as well as directly from us, asking you to confirm your registration by logging on to the platform.
Google Chrome is the best browser for attending one of our summits; if you’re having trouble with access, first check your browser and close out of it (hard refresh) before retrying the platform, as well as clearing your cache and cookies. We encourage you to begin this process once you receive these emails for a seamless log-in on the day of the Summit.
Username and password
Your username is the email address you used to register. If you’ve attended a Data Connectors Virtual Cybersecurity Summit in the past, your password is the same as it was the last time you logged in.
If you haven’t attended a Data Connectors Virtual Cybersecurity Summit before, click the “Forgot Your Password” link to set your new password. If you’ve followed these steps, but still haven’t been able to log in, please reach out to our team.
Getting help with registration
Having trouble logging in? We’re here to help. If the password reset function isn’t working for you, or if you’re having other problems, you can fill out this form or send an email to attendance@dataconnectors.net.
Preview the agenda
Visit dataconnectors.com/attend to get a preview of the speakers and session topics. Be sure to check back frequently, because we’re always adding new panelists, sessions and topics.
While You’re There
The Virtual Cyber Security Summits have the following major components:
General Sessions
This is where our education sessions are held, as well as our Live Q&A, Keynote and CISO Panel sessions take place. Your time spent in these sessions are what will qualify for CPE credit.
Solutions Showcase
Click through the booths listed in the Solutions Showcase to see which of our vendor partners are joining us at the Summit, and click on the booths to interact with each of the teams.
Here is where you go for networking, polls and to check out the leaderboard. Chat with your fellow Cybersecurity pros in the local area.
Tech Tip
If the video isn’t coming through or is “frozen” — hit refresh.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! All sessions are available on-demand within 24 hours of the closing session. From there, you can access them through the Engagez platform for 2 weeks following the Summit. Please note that CPE Credits are not available for those who attend on demand.
Yes. Through our virtual platform, we’re able to calculate the number of minutes you’re spending in each of the General Sessions. We then add them and include the total in your certificate of attendance, which you can use for claiming your CPE credits. The certificate includes your name and date of the conference, and it can easily be printed or emailed to claim credit through your organization.
On the day after the virtual event, keep an eye on your email. Data Connectors will send you a link to claim your CPE credit (as well as links to all of the Summit’s presentations on-demand). Follow the CPE link under “Certificate of Attendance,” and enter the email address you used to log in to the virtual platform. From there, you can download your certificate.
Only time spent actively engaged in the General Sessions (that includes speaker presentations, Q&A panels, CISO panels and keynote addresses) is included in your total time in attendance. Time spent on breaks or in the Solutions Showcase is not included in your total time. You will not receive a certificate if you spend less than 10 minutes engaged in the sessions or if you attend on-demand
First, ensure that you’ve entered the same email address you used to access the virtual platform. Next, keep in mind that CPE credits are only given for time spent in the General Sessions, for time spent greater than 10 minutes.
Keeping our Virtual Summits free for attendees requires the support of vendor partner organizations, who may wish to contact you after the Summit. Affiliates and partners are required to understand the registration terms and privacy policy.
By signing up for the summit and visiting and engaging in the solutions showcase, you’ve opted into communications with our affiliates and partners. If for any reason you’d like to opt-out of those communications in future Summits, please email attendance@dataconnectors.net. For any additional details on this, please review our privacy policy.
Too much email? Your community membership is the most important thing. You can use this link, to Opt-out of our partner and affiliate marketing. At the same time we will make sure you stay in touch with Data Connectors, to learn about future educational events.
You can chat with our tech support team directly on the platform, or email attendance@dataconnectors.net.
We encourage you to do so! Please use #CyberSecVirtual to engage on social media.