Ken Adams

A progressive thought leader in technology with experience in promoting higher levels of productivity, reliability and security. Passionate about innovative and value driven solutions. Delights in empowering and fostering the development of others using tools of diversity and inclusion. Constantly pushing the boundaries of technologies to bring the leading edge of solutions to our users giving them the competitive advantage to win.
Accomplishments such as Innovator of the year nominee for work completed in PON (Passive Optical Network) fiber network design and implementation; speaker at leader’s conference on the cost and management benefits of fiber networks in mid-size companies and published writer for International Legal Technology Association on Remotely managed Helpdesk support. Most recently with over two years of hard work we have been ISO 27001 Certified, the highest technology security ranking and myself certified as a lead auditor for ISO 27001.
Some major projects to include over 10 complete office technology redesigns and implementations with audio visual, computer rooms, furniture design and innovative cabling schemes; complete virtualization of all network servers; one of the first firms to move their documents into a secure cloud environment followed by the move to many other SaaS solutions where cost and security were proven wins and soon to be one of the only firms with total application virtualization with no reliance on desktop hardware, platform or operating system.