Darwin Suelen

Special Agent at FBI Boston

Darwin Suelen began his career as a Special Agent (SA) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 2004. SA Suelen was assigned to the Boston Field Office after graduating from Quantico.  There, SA Suelen worked several criminal matters ranging from health care fraud, gangs and drugs, violent crime, and cyber matters. SA Suelen is currently assigned to the National Security Cyber Squad. During his 19 years with the FBI, SA Suelen has been involved in various roles. In 2016, SA Suelen was the Supervisory Special Agent of the Special Operations Squad which managed the following programs: New Agent Development, Victim Witness Assistance, Training, Leadership and Education, Community and Outreach, and Background Investigations. In 2022, SA Suelen was selected as a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) at FBI Headquarters assigned to the Major Cyber Crimes Unit. While assigned to major cyber-crimes unit, SA Suelen was responsible for managing approximately 10+ field offices cyber-criminal programs, which included coordinating investigative and operational activity with foreign law enforcement partners, extensive liaison with other intelligence communities and private sector partners, and frequent briefings to FBI and DOJ executive management. SA Suelen holds a master's degree from Boston College in Cyber-security, Policy, and Governance.