High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)


The High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) was founded in 1986 in response to the limited training and resources available for law enforcement to investigate the growing high technology industry.

Since its inception, the HTCIA has grown into a worldwide organization with chapters all over the world.

Dedicated to providing training and resources on high technology crime investigating for its members, the HTCIA holds a number of seminars, summits and conferences every year, including its flagship International Conference.


The HTCIA was formed to provide education and collaboration to our global members for the prevention and investigation of high tech crimes.

As such, we are an organization that aspires to help all those in the high technology field by providing extensive information, education, collective partnerships, mutual member benefits, astute board leadership and professional management.

The HTCIA is a registered 501(c)(03) not-for-profit. The association’s status can be verified HERE.

The HTCIA is an organization for investigators, not an investigative agency. Victims seeking investigative help should contact local authorities or visit https://safeescape.org/ for more resources.