Globalizing Innovation for Tomorrow

Advancing Technologies for a Better World

GlobalTek North America is Dedicated to Globalizing Domestic and International Innovations to Advancing Technologies for the Betterment of Humankind through our Business Leaders and Investors Globally

We are the Parent Corporation for the Terranova Defense Group, a global group of companies, including the Cyber Security Global Alliance, creating  the World's Largest Cyber Defense Hub, Operating in 20 Countries Over 6 Continents Today

GlobalTek North America is a leading global innovator, advancing technologies for the betterment of humankind through our team of investors and business leaders. With a focus on both domestic and international innovation, we are at the forefront of globalizing advancements and funding opportunities in advancing technology for aerospace, cybersecurity and defense.

GlobalTek North America provides financial services to SMEs globally. Some of these projects include cybersecurity, education, certification, scientific research, medical research, manufacturing, construction, electronic systems, blockchain security platforms, post-quantum security solutions, advancing technologies, aerospace & defense projects globally.