Cybersecurity Vendor Partners | Data Connectors


Written by Ted Koski | May 9, 2024 2:17:26 AM

Invary protects people, organizations, and governments from hidden cyberthreats

Staying ahead of threat actors in today's cyber climate requires collaboration across industry, government, and university research.

The Invary story embodies such collaboration. We are a mix of security researchers, operators, and technology experts, supported by federal and university partners.

Invary founder, Dr. Perry Alexander, is an AT&T Foundation Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University Kansas and an authority in Trusted Systems research. Dr. Alexander's research has been sponsored by the likes of the NSA, DoD, and DARPA.

Invary CEO, Jason Rogers, has extensive experience building secure cloud-scale platforms for IoT and Spatial Data companies.


Invary's CTO, Dr. Wesley Peck, connects these two worlds, having completed his PHD in Secure Operating Systems under Dr. Alexander and worked along side Mr. Rogers in industry.

The core of Invary's technology is based on an exclusive IP license from the NSA's Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research team, whom Invary has a research partnership with.

The KU Innovation Park helped found Invary, and supports the company's operations.

Together our mission is to ensure our customers know their software stack is running with integrity at all times, and reverse the negative trends in cybersecurity today.