Security must improve to protect our enterprises. The old-way of buying “point security solutions” is not working, as these solutions are not integrated, don’t correlate, use different risk scoring, etc. The new and improved method of securing an enterprise is to use a unified and continuous threat exposure management solution, which solves the issues that plague organizations trying to work with their disparate solutions. In this workshop, 19X Microsoft MVP Derek Melber will guide you through the specifics of what a typical exposure management platform includes, focusing on the details so you can immediately update your existing solutions. The workshop will show you how to verify existing security settings, using scripts and PowerShell, to verify that your current solutions are not functioning the way you would expect. This exposure to the reality of your existing security will be eye-opening and become the foundation for moving to a unified exposure management platform! Come prepared to learn a ton, have a list of action items to perform when you get back to the office, and overall learn about:
- What security settings you need to verify today, to ensure you are secure TODAY!
- How you alter your security mindset to secure your network from attacks
- What is included in a unified continuous threat exposure management platform
- What should you look for in a unified CTEM platform
This workshop will be “demo driven” and “action item driven”. Meaning, you will see the scripts and PowerShell commands in action, live (No pathetic recordings!). You will have explanations of each and every setting discussed, so you know the “why” of what you need to verify.
The workshop is 90 minutes in total, with the final 10 minutes left for Q&A, but Derek's email is And you can follow up with questions to him about the workshop!
The workshop is only $50!
Early Bird sign ups will give you a 20% discount to $40!
Derek is a 19X Microsoft MVP in Security, Active Directory, and Group Policy. Derek has written over 15 books and spoken to organizations in over 35 countries about how to secure their organization.
When you are done with the workshop, you will receive the following package via email:
- PowerShell and script toolkit (so you don’t need to take notes on the commands during the workshop)
- Links to blogs and articles which will continue your learning from the workshop
3. A certificate of completion that can be printed and used for CPE credits